• 公司动态


    2014-03-06 09:21:28


        The explosion-proof electrical equipment Standardization TechnicalCommittee (SAC/TC9) held the three session of the fifth in 2012November 26 ~ 29 in Jiangsu Changzhou city. Present at the meeting were the competent department of the State Administration of production safety supervision and management leadership, China electrical appliance industry association leaders, Board Secretariat bear unit representing Nanyang explosion proof Electric Research Institute and other units of the 99 leaders, including held at the same time with themeeting of the national explosion-proof Standard Committee, installation and maintenance of the technical committee (SAC/TC9/SC3) for the next four meeting of the committee, the National Standardization Committeeon behalf of explosion-proof non electrical sub Technical Committee(SAC/TC9/SC4) of a session of the three meeting of memberrepresentatives and the dust explosion-proof Standard Technical Committee (SAC/TC9/SC6) of a session of the three meeting of therepresentatives of the members.


       The opening ceremony was hosted by the fifth SAC/TC9 secretary general, Nanyang Explosion Protected Electrical Apparatus Research Institute deputy director Zhang Gang professor of engineering, the fifthexplosion proof board chairman, Nanyang City explosion and fire safetydirector of Key Laboratory of Dr. Wang Jun to the meeting as thestandard work of the past year report. He from three aspects mainlysummed up the 2012 SAC/TC9 work, mainly in the past year the main work to implement the national standardization policies, nationalexplosion-proof authority, including the revision of the standards of GBplan, report, standardization research and undertake other tasks assigned by the national standards committee. He is also on theinternational standard IEC/TC31 to summarize the work, the deployment of major work standardization committee in 2013.


        State production safety administration committee director Wang Hao asvice chairman of the national explosion-proof authority, personally to make important speech. He first introduced the national production safety situation, pointed out that due to strengthen law enforcement and strongsupervision, national production safety situation is generally stable, the total accidents dropped. Wang stressed, standardization construction is closely related with the safe production, because of safety productioneach link must have the standard. He affirmed the important role of explosion-proof, explosion-proof electrical product quality standards for the safety production, also hope that the national explosion-proofelectrical equipment standardization technical committee safety in the future production of country to play a greater role.


        China appliance industry association Standardization Office Deputy Director Ceng Yanhong introduced the national standard and mission, in recent years through the standard construction, technical committee had reached six, involving the field of standardization also has the development, construction of standard system of continuous improvement, more and more wide areas of focus. It is especially gratifying explosion-proof authority have a major breakthrough in international standardization work.


        Ma center chief engineer introduces Zang dream Ma center's function and management mode, the coal mine safety standard equipment included in the National Center of supervision and non coal mining equipment will continue to increase supervision, at the same time to consider the non electrical explosion-proof equipment management.


        Installation and maintenance of the technical committee (SAC/TC9/SC3)chairman of the committee director Wu Xiaodong made working report to Congress; non explosion proof electrical apparatus Technology Committee (SAC/TC9/SC4) chairman Wu Xuandong chief made working report to Congress; dust explosion-proof electrical equipment at the technical committee (SAC/TC9/SC6) secretary general deputy director Wu Jianguo made working report to Congress; China explosion proofElectrical Equipment Standardization Technical Committee Secretariatdeputy director Liu Hengyun introduced the development of dynamic SAC/TC9 to the international organization for Standardization Technical Committee of IEC/TC31 International Electrotechnical Commissionexplosion-proof standards.


        Then Cooper electric (Changzhou) Co., Ltd. leader, the relevant experts of the European ATEx explosion-proof certification.


        After the opening ceremony, the meeting reviewed a total of eight national standards.

    1.GB/T3836.×《爆炸性环境 第×部分:设备生产商质量体系应用》;

    1.GB/T3836. * "explosive environment article X: application equipment manufacturer's quality system";


    2.GB3836.15 "explosive atmospheres - Part fifteenth: design, selection and installation of electrical apparatus";


    3.GB3836.16 "explosive atmospheres - Part sixteenth: electricalequipment inspection and maintenance";


    4.GB12476.3 "combustible dust environment electrical equipment - Part third: classification of combustible dust in dangerous places";

    5.GB19518.1《爆炸性环境电阻式伴热器 第1部分:通用和试验要求》;

    5.GB19518.1 "explosive atmosphere resistive heating part first: General requirements and test";

    6.GB/T19518.2《爆炸性环境电阻式伴热器 第2部分:设计、安装和维护指南》;

    6.GB/T19518.2 "explosive atmosphere resistive heating part second: design, installation and maintenance guide";


    7.GB19854 "explosive environment for industrial vehicles explosion-prooftechnology rules";

    8.GB3836.××《爆炸性环境 第××部分:用于瓦斯/或煤尘环境的I类Ma级设备》。

    8.GB3836. * * "explosive environment article * * part: used for gas and / or dust environment of I class Ma equipment".
